Sitka Baptist is an independent Baptist church located at the corner of county roads 500 North and 700 East, about one mile west of Indiana 39, north of Monticello.
Dr. James Elliott is our pastor.
A band of Christians in 1859 organized the church, then called Liberty Township Church. By the early 1900s the name changed to Sitka Baptist.
Several buildings have stood on the site. The current one was built in the 1940s after a fire destroyed the previous wooden structure.
For the last 150 years, the church has faithfully preached the gospel of Jesus Christ.
More than 40 ministers have pastored the church, along with circuit riders in the early days and interns in the later days.
Today we have about 140 members and about 75 people attending services on Sunday mornings.
May God continue to bless our church as we endeavor to serve Christ.